Winter Activities in the Barony


Time: Second and Fourth Wednesdays of every month at 5:30pm

Location: Rotating Schedule. See Facebook page for announcements on location.

Dragonmoot is our Monthly social event, which includes activities such as arts demonstrations or classes, event discussions, awards, workshops and dancing. (you can be pretty sure there will also be snacks). This is a great way to get to know our people and learn about us.

Fighter Practice, Archery, and Heraldic Consultations

Location: Archery School of the Rockies 2110 Busch Ave
Time: Sundays 5:00pm to 7:30pm, unless closed due to weather or holidays. In the event of inclement weather, cancellations will be announced on the Baronial Facebook page.

If you need loaner gear please contact our Knight Marshal, our Rapier Marshal, or our Archery Marshal prior to 4pm the day of practice.

Business Meeting – Monthly

The Baronial business meeting is held the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30pm via Google Meet.

To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 563-293-5125 and enter this PIN: 660 533 871#
To view more phone numbers, click this link:

Financial Committee meetings will be held once a quarter directly following business meeting. The next dates for the committee to meet are (for 2025) January, May, September and December. Anyone is welcome to join the committee meetings.

Equestrian Practice

Gatherings for those interested in the equestrian arts. Practices are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 1-4pm at a private residence, weather permitting. You do not need a horse to attend! Please contact the Equestrian Marshal for location and any questions.

Agricultural Arts & Sciences

Anyone interested in exploring the agricultural arts and sciences is encouraged to join us. Topics are open for suggestion and include animal husbandry, farming, gardening, dairy and much more. For those without their own land or livestock this is a great opportunity to explore this area of research. Gatherings are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 9am-12pm at a private residence. Please contact Stalmeisterin Apollonia Zwamstricker for location and any questions.

Scribes Guild

Gatherings for those interested in the art of illumination and calligraphy in scrollwork. Meetings are on the first and third Thursdays from 7-9pm at a private residence. Please contact Angel on the Meeting House Facebook page for location and any questions.

Cooks Guild

Gatherings for those interested in the culinary arts. Meetings are on the first Saturday of the month at a private residence. Please contact the Chatelaine for location and any questions.

Heraldic Consultation

While available at most fighter practices, contact the Baronial Herald for specifics.