Dragon’s Fount of Knowledge
August 9th, 11:00am-5:00pm
Dragon’s Fount of Knowledge is meant to be, in my intended image, the essence of what a “Newcomers” event should be. While several Newcomers have been intended to show what the SCA is, I want Dragon’s Fount to actually teach what the SCA is and what we do/can do. Instead of having an event where newcomers are left to ask questions on their own, in the hopes that whoever they ask has an answer, I want an event where newcomers can ask a question where they’re guaranteed an answer by being a student in a teacher’s class.
Dragon’s Fount of Knowledge would be an event that consists of purely classes with the topics ranging across all of what we do in and for the game. This will range from A&S classes, to martial classes, to even the various forms of service that can be provided. What classes that will be taught will be entirely based on what the teachers themselves desire, and are comfortable and confident enough to teach. The teachers themselves will consist of whoever is willing to teach, regardless of awards, titles, or positions.
We look forward to sharing a night of warmth with our friends!
[Site is dry and weapons are prohibited on campus]
Event Steward: Buggius Dei Medici (buggiusdeimedici@gmail.com)
The event is FREE (but donations are always appreciated!).
PPLD East Library, 5550 N Union Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80918