Good people of the Outlands hear these words from Béla and Nerissa, King and Queen of these fair lands.
We know that everyone is excited to be able to gather again at practices and events and We know that it is confusing with how quickly some rules have been changing as we all move forward with reopening. We know this can be frustrating and We assure you that Our Landed Nobles, Officers, and event stewards are all working hard to make it possible for all of us to have fun at events. We want to take a moment to thank everyone who continues to serve the Kingdom and help make it possible for all of us to gather again. We also wanted to take a moment to try to clear some things up moving forward.
Currently, and until the end of June, masks are required at any and all official SCA functions in the Kingdom of the Outlands. All functions must be outdoors and you must pre-register to attend. There is an attendance cap of 150 people, no camping is allowed and there can be no shared food or drink. These current rules were mandated by the Board of Directors and must be followed at all times. We appreciate how well the Outlands has done at following these rules and We are proud of how the Outlands has responded to the pandemic.
As of July 1st, a lot of the BoD mandated rules are being rescinded and things will be more like they used to be. We will no longer require masks for activities but We encourage those who wish to continue to wear them to do so. We will be able to meet indoors again and overnight camping will be allowed. We will still not be able to share food or drink so no feasts or water stations will be allowed. The attendance cap will be per local mandates and guidelines and must be followed at all times. In the Outlands We will still be requiring pre-registration for events but will not require it for practices, guild meetings or populace meetings. The pre-registration for events is not a permanent thing but will be in use for the foreseeable future as We feel this will greatly help Our landed nobles, officers and event stewards be better prepared to host the best events possible. This will also give all of us time and practice to get used to how the SCA registration system works so that things will run more smoothly when it is used for larger Kingdom events in the future. We understand there are some bugs to work out in the system and this is exactly why we are trying to work them out now and not just for Battlemoor. We thank you all for continuing to work with Our officers and volunteers to make things as efficient as possible.
As always, when things change look to the Kingdom webpage, newsletter and various social media pages for the official information from the Crown or Kingdom Seneschal. If you are confused or can’t find the information you are looking for, please reach out to your local seneschal to help clear things up.
We see that the Kingdom Calendar is starting to fill up with events again and this fills Our hearts with joy! We are so excited to be able to go to events again and to be with you all!
Until We see each other again, please continue to be kind, courteous, and remember to look out for each other.
In Service to the Outlands We remain,
Béla Nerissa
King Queen