June 01, 2021 at 08:35PM

Greetings Outlanders,
With June quickly upon us we look forward to seeing everyone in person. We still have guidelines to follow until July and at this time we will be following our strategy posted below. Please note, this is still a very fluid situation and changing weekly, so we will have to adjust our plans.

To that effect, please be patient with your local seneschal and officers. They are doing their best in a tough situation. Working together we will get through it. I would like to send a special Thank you to the Kingdom seneschal team and local Seneschals. Hang in there.

The following is our current reopening strategy. Plead note we are still under the old BOD guidance (Below) until July.

I look forward to seeing you in person soon.

THL Christine Woyade
Seneschal Outlands

Kingdom of the Outlands Reopening Plan as of 5/25/2021


·Kingdom and Local groups will use all available information to make data-driven decisions to begin in person activity. Decisions to begin to resume in person activity will be informed by whether the state or community in which the group is located has met their criteria for opening to the appropriate level, BOD directives, and current CDC guidelines.

·Local groups will work with the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal to determine if they can open and what the COVID19 gathering precautions and reporting requirements will be.


For the purpose of this document, practices are reoccurring regular gatherings. Events are gatherings held one time.

GATING PERIOD- There will be no official in person activities.

PHASE ONE- Masks and social distancing of 6 feet will be required in accordance with the local or BOD mandates, whichever is more stringent. Before any meeting of any kind is allowed, the local Seneschal will petition the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal to hold gatherings (please see Petition form attached.). Before any single gathering is held local Seneschal will let the Kingdom Seneschal or deputy know what the current local mandated gathering requirements are. At the gathering the local seneschal or their representative will gather the name and contact information of attendees if anyone who is unvaccinated tests positive for COVID 19 within the next 2 weeks, they should report them to the local Seneschal so that they can turn the information over to the local health department. In such cases, the local Seneschals will write a COVID19 report and send it to the Kingdom Seneschal.

·Outdoor Practices: Local Seneschals can petition the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal to open in person practice.

Indoor Practices: Indoor gatherings will not be held.

·Events: No events will be held.

PHASE TWO- Masks and social distancing of 6 feet will be required in accordance with BOD direction or local guidance, whichever is more restrictive. The local Seneschal will notify the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal that their group will be holding practices. They will petition the Kingdom Seneschal to hold events. Before any single gathering is held local Seneschals will let the Kingdom Seneschal and Crown know what the COID19 situation is in their local area using the petition form (attached). At the gathering, the seneschal or their representative will gather a list of attendees names and contact information. If anyone who has not been vaccinated has flu-like symptoms within 2 weeks, they should report to the local Seneschal so that they can contact the local Health Department.

·Outdoor Practices: Local Seneschals can open in person practice. Practices will be allowed when the local (based on where the practice is held) mandates allow for numbers sufficient to practice. If the gathering hits the legal gathering limit, the local seneschal or their representative will shut down the practice. They will NOT split the practice into pods or groups.

·Indoor Practices: Gathering will be allowed when the local (based on where the gathering is held) mandates allow for numbers sufficient to gathering. If the gathering hits the indoor gathering limit, the local seneschal or their representative will shut down the practice.

·Events: When local guidelines allow, small events of 150 or less will be allowed. Based upon the local mandates.

PHASE THREE- The same as PHASE TWO, except larger events will be held with social distancing, masks, and any other COVID19 precautions required by guidance. The Crown and Kingdom Seneschal does not need to be petitioned to hold practices or events. Sign-in and reporting requirements as stated above will continue on a monthly basis.

FULLY OPEN- In person meetings and events of any size are allowed as long as local and state government mandates are met. COVID 19 precautions such as masks and social distancing will not be required.

The following language needs to be posted for all practices, gatherings, and events.

Health Acknowledgement

By attending this event, you are confirming that you (as well as any minors that you are parent or guardian for):

➢ Are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at CDC.gov, including but not limited to:

• Fever or chills

• Dry cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing

• Muscle or body aches

• New loss of sense of taste or smell;

➢ Have not been near someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 within the last 14 days without following CDC guidance for self-quarantine;

➢ Agree to follow all COVID safety restrictions imposed by the SCA, the event site, and/or local, state, provincial, or federal government or health authorities.

BOD Requirements for Events as of 5/17/21

A. Masks that fully cover the mouth and nose must be worn by all attendees over the age of 4 at all times and during all activities except for eating and drinking;
B. Court, bardic circles, or any activity that involves voice projection shall also require that masks be worn at all times. Sound amplification devices are highly recommended;
C. No day board, water-bearing, or food of any kind shall be provided by event staff or attendees to other attendees. All attendees must provide their own food and beverages;
D. While consuming food or beverages, attendees are required to remain stationary and follow social distancing rules;
E. No overnight camping shall be allowed;
F. All events shall be held outdoors;
G. There shall be a maximum of 150 people at any event; and
H. All events shall require preregistration.

Link at: https://ift.tt/3fFCq9H